Our Story

How it all started...

Pastor Victor Martinez came to the Lord at 13 years of age. Pastor Victor came form humble beginnings. He moved every year of his life until he was 26 years old. Housing stability was aways difficult. His mom raised 6 children mostly on her own.

Pastor found comfort and stability in the local church. It was a place where he found peace and stability. He became active in youth ministry early on, and at 17 years of age became a Youth Pastor. He didn't know much but he new that he wanted to share the same news of Jesus that helped him with others.

Expanding the vision...

After 10 years of leading youth, Pastor Victor felt lead to plant a church meant to reach the next Generation Latino in MN. His church would be 100% Bilingual, Spanish and English. He planted New Generation Church in 2012.

Where we are headed...

11 years later, Pastor Victor and the congregation are ready to make the next step! They are in the mist of their 1st Capital campaign to perchase their first building! With their own space NGC will launch a new season of outreach and transformation as they reach more of the community for Jesus like never before!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am.